Anti fraud management system

An anti fraud management system (AFMS) comprises processes and individual activities which aim to

  • prevent
  • detect and
  • resolve

malicious acts (criminal offenses) committed within an organization.

There is no off-the-rack system that can be used successfully and effectively in every organization. Each organization has its own specific risk situation that needs to be identified as a starting point.

It is advisable to consider an anti fraud management system as a whole because the individual processes and activities interact with each other and create synergies.

My services 

Assistance with the concept design and implementation of a potentially effective anti fraud management system. 

Client's benefits

A suitable system and the complementary individual activities are developed specifically for an organization, taking the organizational structure and any existing internal control tools into account.

Based on the intervention logic of the individual tools of an anti fraud management system, I develop the necessary prerequisites for the planning up to the implementation.